Friday, July 5, 2013

"The Call"

I really had no desire to see "The Call", in theatres or as a rental.  I'm not a Halle Berry fan so it just wasn't something I thought I'd enjoy.

A co-worker told me he felt the same way but grabbed it from Redbox a few nights earlier.  He said it wasn't bad & that he was quite surprised about how much he enjoyed it.

With his recommendation, I gave it a shot.  He was right...not bad.  It's no masterpiece by any means but it's a good little thriller. 

Abigail Breslin was almsot unrecognizable from just a couple years ago in "Zombieland", let alone "Little Miss Sunshine". She was the "star" of the film...followed by Michael Eklund, who made you believe he was a psychopath.

With a good flow to the story & intensity throughout...I say give it a too may be surprised.

3.5 / 5